Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement (701-0015-00L)

25.09.2024 - 11.12.2024
5 half-days
  • 25.09.2024, 08:15 - 12:00: Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
  • 23.10.2024, 08:15 - 12:00: Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
  • 13.11.2024, 08:15 - 12:00: Transdisciplinary Research:Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
  • 27.11.2024, 08:15 - 12:00: Transdisciplinary Research:Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
  • 11.12.2024, 08:15 - 12:00: Transdisciplinary Research:Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
ETH Zürich, Zentrum
Students enrolled in PSC PhD Programs: CHF 0
LSZGS PhD students: CHF 0
All other PhD students: CHF 0
Postdocs: CHF 300
This seminar is designed for PhD students and PostDoc researchers involved in inter- or transdisciplinary research. It addresses and discusses challenges of this kind of research using scientific literature presenting case studies, concepts, theories, methods and by testing practical tools. It concludes with a 10-step approach to make participants' research projects more societally relevant. [More information](
PD Dr. Vienni Baptista, Prof Dr. Christian Pohl, Prof. Dr. Michael Stauffacher (Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETHZ)
MSc and PhD students of ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and University of Basel. Postdocs if places available.
Ungraded semester performance. Active participation during the course days and preparation work for paper presentation in between.

By registering you agree to the PSC course terms and conditions AGBs

Up to 2 weeks prior to course start without a fine. Late cancellations and incomplete attendance without documented justification will incur a fee of 200 CHF.
ETHZ PhD students can only register to the course via myStudies! otherwise registration is not valid.

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Dr. Bojan Gujas (
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